Length: 16.22 m
Width: 3.41 m
Height: 9.28 m
Weight: 15,000 kg (est.)
Speed: 8.52 knots (est.)
Habitat: Exclusively aquatic. Deep riverbeds, lakes and swamps where surface life (prey) are plentiful.

Anatomical Features: Aquatic reptile. Large, spike-ended guide fins with powerful thrust generating capacity able to launch over half the creature’s body out of the water to strike at elevated prey. External scales appear to have a slight color shifting ability granting it a measure of stealth if viewed from above or directly below, though its bioluminescent pigmentation turns the entire animal blue as it engages its prey or enemy. The creature remains completely submerged and in hiding when sleeping, casting an eerie glow that is barely visible except in pitch darkness.

Feeding Habits: Aquatic apex predator. Few animals have the physical or technical advantages needed to survive a confrontation with a Shimmer Serpent. Moncs rely on their own camouflaging abilities (and feverish early detection methods) to avoid crossing paths with these giants.

The Shimmer Serpent is among the largest animals to be found in or around inhabited territories on this world. Viewed from afar, these heaving coils of scale and muscle are beautiful to watch…even when tearing into their most recent meal… A backdrop of glistening, swirling blues and fierce violets run the entire length of its body and pulse as it arches to and fro in the light.

Unfortunately, due to the aquatic habitat of these monsters, we have yet to acquire a carcass to examine at our leisure. When a Shimmer Serpent dies, its body sinks to the depths of its home waters, and no one is brave (or stupid) enough to want to enter the water in the name of science given the other murderous lifeforms in and near these locations…including other Shimmer Serpents. My rendition is bsaed on what I’ve seen, and those of Monc bone collections of the creatures.